rset(1) : pln(5)

Configure systems using any scripting language

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Lightweight Execution start in < 0.5 seconds, task completion in as little as 1 second.
Real-time Status Standard output and error messages are piped in from target hosts without buffering.
Simple The standard tool chain can be mastered in 1 hour. All of the key operational paradigms are covered in the man pages ( rset(1), pln(5), rinstall(1), rsub(1) ).
Extensible Add capabilities by dropping scripts, executable, or data files into a directory that is shipped to each host.
Portable No dependencies for target BSD, Mac, and Linux machines; even Busybox on Alpine is enough.
Language Independent Shell scripts are most common, but any interpreter that can read on STDIN can be used (Ruby, Python, Perl, ...)
Secure Content visible to each host is explicitly specified in the routes file. Remote hosts can only request public data (source tarballs, packages, etc.)
Sequential All actions are executed in the exact order they were written. The dry-run feature highlights which hosts and labels will be executed.
Predictable Configuration and data are always located relative to the top-level routes file.


rset(1) stages configuration files and sequentially executes script fragments on remote hosts

# routes.pln

interpreter=/bin/bash mail/
    www.pln mail/

pln(5) is a tab-indented format for embedding scripting languages to be executed in the order they were written

# www.pln
interpreter=/bin/ksh -x

    pkg_add -I ruby
    ln -sf /usr/local/bin/{ruby32,ruby}
    ln -sf /usr/local/bin/{irb32,irb}

    ./rinstall mail/smtpd_relay.conf /etc/mail/smtpd.conf \
        && rcctl restart smtpd

# vim:noexpandtab:syntax=sh:ts=4

The minimal directory layout for the example above is

├── _rutils
│   └── renv
│   ├── rinstall
│   └── rsub
├── _sources
├── mail
│   └── smtpd_relay.conf
├── www.pln
└── routes.pln


The following formulas are examples illustrate some of the ways in which pln(5) files can be written to configure services on OpenBSD. The same concepts apply equally well on other platforms.

Juniper Switches and Routers
OpenSMPTD Relay
Login Message
Let's Encrypt
Multiple Platforms
Minio Lab
Check and Install
Add/Modify Users

Security Model

For the most part rset(1) does not trust the remote hosts it manages, and takes several steps to prevent an attacker from reading configuration intended for another host.

  1. Files and directories intended only for specific hosts are explicitly listed for each host. Only the contents of _rutils directory is copied implicitly to all hosts.
  2. Scripts embedded in pln(5) files are not copied, they are piped to the interpreter over SSH. This ensures that temporary files are never left behind containing sensitive information.

Several measures are also taken to prevent the compromise of the host running rset

  1. Large files are serviced by a local web server, miniquark(1), which only serves content under _sources.
  2. On OpenBSD, pledge(2) is used to eliminate write access to system resources and to sandbox the http server.