PicOS Switches
Pica8 develops software that is able to take advantage of the packet forwarding capabilities of ASICS from a variety of vendors. Updates are provided for five years, and there is a series of pre-loaded switches available from fs.com.
Configure SSH
After changing the default password for
saving the configuration
the switch is in
Switch to the built-in shell
start shell sh
and write a startup script that will allow administators to login to a Linux
shell using public SSH key
fn="/cftmp/auto/post-xorplus" cat > $fn <<'EOF' echo 'xorp_defaultcli=false' > /etc/nos-start-mode install -d -m 700 /home/admin/.ssh echo 'ssh-ed25519 AAAA... eradman@local' > /home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys chown -R admin:xorp /home/admin/.ssh chmod 600 /home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys EOF chmod +x $fn
Now that we have SSH access to the userland we can add a route entry
# routes.pln fs/ → s3410c.pln
Change the default connecting user to
# ssh_config Host ConnectTimeout=10 User admin
Configure Mode
The PicOS
tool accepts the brace-style configuration loaded from configuration from a
Unlike JunOS,
on PicOS applies configuration but does not make the configuration persistent.
# s3410c.pln execute_with=sudo interfaces: → set -e → cli -c "configure" < $SD/fs/s3410c | fs/quiet.awk → cli -c "show running-config | compare rollback 1" | fs/quiet.awk → save_config
Always end the configuration with
Filtering Configuration Status
The PicOS
does not have a quiet flag, but messages can be filtered
to emit only errors and changes
#!/usr/bin/awk -f # remove prompt { gsub("root@.+# ", ""); } # remember last four lines { for (i=3; i>0; i--) lines[i] = lines[i-1] lines[0] = $0 } # skip informational messages /Welcome|Entering configuration/ { next } /Execute command|no other users/ { next } /already exists|same value/ { next } # remember last configuration /\[.+\]/ { level = $0 } # print diff header /----/ { print level } # print diff /^[-+]{1}[ a-z0-9\}]+/ { print } # print error with context /ERROR:|Error:|syntax error|unknown command|Commit failed/ { for (i=3; i>=0; i--) print lines[i] exit 1 }